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March Blog

March is here and I can almost feel spring’s arrival, can’t you? The excitement is building within me and I am slowly coming out of hibernation mode and I feel the fruits of our labor, I see the fruits of our labor and we are flourishing! In prepping for the arrival of spring how can we incorporate all of our 5 senses more into our daily mindfulness and grounding practices? These are a few of the ways I will incorporate mindfulness this spring and I wanted to share them with you all.

Seeing: I am a sucker for an amazing sunrise and sunset. At some point during the day, depending on how my day is structured I have been taking a moment, two minutes even, to gaze at the sky either in the early sunrise hours or as the sun is setting. There is so much beauty to behold and so many vibrant colors just above the mountains

Hearing: while walking, I have gotten into the practice of listening to audio books over the years as part of my personal growth and development and while this is a favorite way to unwind, I have been taking 5 min at the beginning of my walk to wait to press play, take my ear buds out and listen. Listen to the birds chattering, the dogs barking, my foot steps touching the pavement or taking in the familiar sound of the jingle of my pups collar.

Tasting: In working in a hospital system for decades, I have been known to have small amounts of time for meals and got into the habit of mindlessly eating and rushing as I have to always rush back to work. This has been a challenging habit to break, but I’m working on being more mindful while I eat and drink. I have challenged myself this spring to take one meal or one beverage a day and really focus on the flavors, savoring the taste and spending a moment of gratitude for those that harvested and prepared the food I am eating.

Smelling: growing up in the southeast, one of my favorite smells that we don’t often smell here in the desert is fresh cut grass. I am working this spring on taking a moment to take in the smells of nature as I walk my dog, to smell the dirt beneath my feet and the spring flowers recently planted in my neighborhood.

Feeling/Touching: I have gotten into the habit over the last few months to show my body appreciation for showing up after attending a workout or going for a walk. As I end the cool down portion of my workout I place my hands on my opposite arms and give myself a little squeeze, to say thank you for showing up, even when you’re tired, even when you may be busy, thank you for taking time for your body and showing it love.

I challenge you to take a few moments this month and ground into your senses, I would love to hear your feedback on how you are incorporating your senses into your mindfulness and meditation practice.

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